30th December 2017

Radio Praha: PM unveils policy program in face of visible lack of support for his government

The newly-appointed minority government of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has approved its policy program. The prime minister will now negotiate with all parliamentary parties in view of winning their support or tolerance in a vote of confidence in January, Radio Praha writes.

Lower taxes, higher wages, an overhaul of the pension system, faster digitalization of the state sector and an active foreign policy based on the country’s membership in the EU and NATO – there’s not a lot that one can argue with in the new government’s policy program. However Prime Minister Andrej Babiš is clearly aware of the fact that his government’s chances of winning a vote of confidence in the lower house are practically non-existent. 

“We will negotiate with all parliamentary parties about the policy program in order to find out whether they would be prepared to tolerate our government on the basis of these priorities, or, in return for some of their own proposals which we might further incorporate.” 

However it is not the priorities of the policy program as such that the remaining parliamentary parties have a problem with. 

Follow full story by Radio Praha.

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