12th September 2017

Rekonstrukce státu: Férvolby.cz: The public can contribute for the first time to the fairness of the elections

The Reconstruction of State Platform today Launched a new web application that informs voters about the new rules for election campaigns (adopted by the Czech Parliament earlier this year) and allows them to demand clarification of unclear situations. Voters can follow for the first time how much money a party spends on the election campaign.

"We have succeeded in pushing for changes in the law that will allow for more transparent funding of political parties and will prevent major transitions in campaigns such as abusive use of anonymous advertising against other candidates or unlimited support from third parties... " one of the guarantors of the State Reconstruction, Jiří Skuhrovec, chairman of EconLab, says. 

This is why the platforms has prepared the app fervolby.cz

"We would like to engage the public using this website in putting together examples from the current election campaign. Today, citizens have a unique opportunity to directly engage in the clarification of the unclear and establishment of new rules, " adds Skuhrovec. Citizens simply upload various situations and controversial examples. 

Read more in Czech.


Photo by Frank Bold.


Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic