
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

31st May 2015 / Politics / Trade and Investment

Politics: TTIP passes crucial test in EP

Last Thursday, MEPs in the International Trade Committee voted on a report on TTIP. Although the report is not binding for the Commission, which negotiates with the US on behalf of the EU, it is an important indication for the EU executive – the EP will have to pass the final deal. After lengthy d...
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27th May 2015 / Politics / Social Responsibility

Politics: Czech Ministry of Labor: Social exclusion and poverty in the Czech Republic doubles

The number of socially excluded locations and people in the Czech Republic has doubled since 2006, with almost 115,000 people in 606 locations affected by social exclusion and poverty. The Analysis of socially excluded locations in the Czech Republic was published by the Ministry of Labor and Soci...
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22nd May 2015 / Politics / Legal Reform and Transparency

Politics: EC unveils its Better Regulation Agenda

On 19 May, the European Commission published yet another of its big strategies, this time the one dealing with cutting red tape. Delivering on the promise of the Juncker Commission to be “big on big things and small on small things”, the EU executive unveiled its plan to regulate in a more transpare...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic