
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

3rd October 2014 / Politics / Legal Reform and Transparency

Politics: Council adopts the non-financial information disclosure directive

On 29 September, the General Affairs Council adopted without discussion the directive on the disclosure of certain non-financial data by some companies. The formal adoption came after the informal agreement on the text with the European Parliament earlier this year. Once the directive is implemented...
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22nd September 2014 / Politics /

The important lesson of Ukraine for the Czech Republic

The situation prior to and during the current conflict in the Ukraine underlines a growing threat in Central Europe to one of AmCham's basic tenets: that democracy in both governance and commerce represents the best hope for individual freedom and prosperity. Questions once whispered about the effec...
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22nd September 2014 / Politics /

Why did AmCham decided not to take a position on sanctions

Economic sanctions are a tool of foreign policy. Any decision to impose sanctions requires first a careful consideration of how it will achieve immediate political objectives and how it will affect the long-term relationships between all involved parties. The economic consequences are obvious, and s...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic