Competitiveness / Business and Industry
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue

Eurostat: Czech Republic records high-tech products trade surplus, high-tech manufacturing growth
In value terms, Germany was the EU's leading exporter of high-tech products to the rest of the world in 2014, followed by France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Eight countries — Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary , Ireland and the Netherlands — recorded high-tech products trade surpluses. Overall, however, the EU recorded a high-tech Extra-EU trade deficit in 2014, with imports around EUR 7 billion higher than exports, Eurostat data show.
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Federation of German Industries, U.S.Chamber of Commerce joint letter on participation in Hannover Messe
The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the U.S.Chamber of Commerce invite companies to participate in the Hannover Messe that will be held on 25-29 April 2016 in Hannover, Germany. For the first time in the history of the fair, the United States of America will be the Partner Country of the event and will have the opportunity to showcase the state of technology, innovation, advanced manufacturing and workforce development.
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AMSP and Mediatel launch Masters of Crafts online catalogue
Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic in cooperation with Mediatel launched an online catalogue of craftsmen at The list includes more than 18,000 contacts and includes information on individual craftsmen (IČO, membership in professional associations)...
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