This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
AmCham EU: The Circular Economy: 10 innovative business solutions and how to go further
AmCham EU's membership reflects various sectors and many of its member companies have been active in introducing business models and practices that reflect the circular economy. In seeking out circular economy business models among its member companies, AmCham EU found 10 encouraging developments outlined in this brochure.
View more CEE countries expect Brexit to result in more opportunities for the region - video
'UK companies are going to need access to additional skills, are going to turn to outsourcing and are going be turning to offshoring and I think the CEE region could be a big big winner of that', says Kerry Hallard, CEO, National Outsourcing Association, UK.
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Arcadis Global: Prague 9th most sustainable city, underperforms in environmental dimension
Arcadis Global Sustainable Cities Index places Prague among the top 10 most sustainable cities of the world. The 2016 Arcadis Sustainable Cities Index ranks 100 global cities on three dimensions of sustainability: People, Planet and Profit.
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