This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
Progress to achieve greater gender equality at work was set back by at least two years due to the pandemic: PwC Women in Work Index
Action is needed to help position women to gain from job opportunities created by the transition of economies and businesses to net zero.
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T-Mobile and Vodafone join forces to connect the Czech Republic. New fibre optic internet connections to be built for nearly one million households
The fastest state-of-the-art network for fixed internet connection will be available for almost one million more Czech households and companies. This is the outcome of agreement reached between T-Mobile Czech Republic and Vodafone Czech Republic, which have decided to join forces and fundamentally accelerate the digitalisation of the Czech Republic through joint construction and mutual provision of access to infrastructure. In practice, the project will also result in a more efficient and environmentally friendly construction process, for example, due to the fact that significantly less separate excavation work will be required.
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5G technology for the development of innovative projects: T-Mobile has entered into a partnership with the Technical University of Liberec
On 24 February 2022, T-Mobile and the Technical University of Liberec concluded a memorandum of long-term cooperation. TUL thus becomes the third Czech university where T-Mobile is implementing its 5G Stand Alone private network solution. This will give students access to state-of-the-art technologies and a super-fast network, while companies will have the space to develop and implement solutions leading to faster digitalisation of the Czech industry.
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