
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.

Spotlight issue

9th February 2022 / Competitiveness / Business and Industry

Demand for warehouses in the Czech Republic is breaking records. Developers are responding with extensive construction

Clients' interested in new industrial premises in the Czech Republic had very little to choose from last year. Thanks to record demand, which reached a record 2.39 million sq m in gross terms for the whole year, vacancy rates fell to 1.63%, a historic low. The result was also affected by a lower volume of completed industrial properties, mainly due to the impact of anti-pandemic measures. However, this changed at the end of the year when a record 800,000 sq m of industrial space was under construction. The urgent need to meet tenants' enormous demand is also evidenced by the fact that the share of speculative development has once again increased after a longer period of inactivity.
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9th February 2022 / Competitiveness / Energy and Environment

CO2 emissions can now be offset directly on board

Lufthansa tests new service for CO2-neutral flying CO2 emissions can be offset with Sustainable Aviation Fuel and certified climate protection projects during the flight  
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8th February 2022 / Competitiveness / Transport, Infrastructure and Tourism

Public Support of E-mobility

Sustainable development, the decarbonisation of the European economy and the use of renewable energy sources are topics that are currently stirring the public sphere in the context of the Green Deal, which is a set of political and economic initiatives by the European Commission with the main objective of making Europe the first carbon-neutral continent in 2050.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic