Economic policy

This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.

Spotlight issue

28th May 2013 / Economic policy / Employment and Social Affairs

Economic Policy: Tax deduction for the companies for employing and training students

To support technical education this piece of legislation proposes to enhance the quality of technical school graduates, to avert lack of professionals in the industry and to avoid negative impact on the competitiveness of the country passed the first reading in Parliament. Tax deduction of CZK 80 00...
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28th May 2013 / Economic policy / Health Care

Economic Policy: The National Action Plan promoting positive aging for the period 2013-2017

The National Action Plan promoting positive aging for the period 2013-2017 by Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs identifies following priorities: securing and protection of human rights of elder person; lifelong learning; employment of elder workers and seniors in relation with the pension insuran...
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13th March 2013 / Economic policy / Tax & Finance

Martin Diviš: The liability for VAT may never come into force

Od nového roku platí v České republice novela o DPH, která ve jménu boje s daňovými podvody zavádí několik kontroverzních opatření. Kritici za největšího strašáka považují institut nespolehlivého plátce, kdy za dodavatele, který bude označen jako nespolehlivý, bude za odvedení DPH ručit odběratel. J...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic