Economic policy

This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.

Spotlight issue

12th March 2013 / Economic policy / Tax & Finance

Peter Chrenko: Tax payers have to be an example

Čierny zoznam neplatičov DPH, ratingy firmám či bločková lotéria. Týmito opatreniami slovenskej vlády na boj proti daňovým únikom by sa podľa bývalého poradcu českého ministra financií Petra Chrenka mohli inšpirovať aj Česi. „Opatrenia slovenskej vlády majú zámer vyzdvihnúť tých, ktorí dane platia,...
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13th March 2012 / Economic policy / Public Procurement

Daniel Weinhold, Partner, Weinhold Legal, Platform for Transparent Public Procurement

  Which of the newly introduced measures will have the greatest positive effect on the level of transparency in public procurement? In my view, the most significant changes are those requiring publication of public contracts (including an actually paid price), preliminary announcements (1 month be...
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13th March 2012 / Economic policy / Public Procurement

Jan Farský, TOP09

  Do you believe that transparent ownership and government transactions are a major issue or are there other issues in public procurement that should be dealt with primarily? I think that the greatest problem is the issue of efficiency of the management of public funds. Transparent ownership struc...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic