Good governance / Employment and Social Affairs

This section details initiatives to make government a competitive advantage. It includes analysis and reports of government initiatives, as well as data on accountability and performance measures.

Spotlight issue

1st June 2023 / Good governance / Employment and Social Affairs

Amendment to Labour Code: major changes to remote work rules

A draft amendment to the Labour Code is heading to the chamber of deputies. The bill has undergone significant changes since last autumn when it was first published. From an employers’ perspective, the changes to the rules for working from home are very favourable.
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28th March 2022 / Good governance / Employment and Social Affairs

Temporary protection and free access to labour market for Ukrainian citizens approved by Czech deputies

Responding to the Ukrainian emigration wave, on 9 March 2022 the Czech Government and subsequently also the chamber of deputies approved several bills. In this article, we will mainly focus on the bills that aim to implement EU Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 responding to the conflict in the former Yugoslavia and presenting basic starting points and solutions for similar situations, specifically concerning the residence of Ukrainian citizens and their access to the labour market.
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25th March 2022 / Good governance / Employment and Social Affairs

The rules for Ukrainian refugees in EU countries

Due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, the European Union has – for the first time ever since 2001 – activated the so-called Temporary Protective Directive No 2001/55/EC (the “Directive”) by the Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 of 4 March 2022 (the “Decision”).
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14th March 2022 / Good governance / Employment and Social Affairs

Free telephone counseling for Ukrainian citizens

Ukrajinským občanům, kteří nacházejí útočiště v České republice, nabízíme znalosti a zkušenosti našich expertů v oblastech migrační politiky, práva nebo daní, abychom je maximálně podpořili ve zvládnutí všech formálních procedur a oni mohli rychle najít bezpečné a stabilní zázemí v České republice nebo jiné zemi EU. Helpline v ukrajinštině je v provozu od pondělí do pátku od 8:00 do 18:00 hodin. Nabízí bezplatné odborné poradenství v oblastech:  legalizace pobytu v České republice pracovních povolení v České republice nezbytné administrativní záležitosti (daně, sociální a zdravotní pojištění) formality spojené s tranzitem do jiných zemí EU +420 251 15 11 22  
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11th March 2022 / Good governance / Employment and Social Affairs

Support Ukraine: Fast-track employment opportunities

We would love to welcome you to Vodafone. If you or someone you know has fled the Ukraine to find safety in another country, we would like you to know that we’re offering fast-track employment opportunities to suitable candidates.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic