Good governance / Legal Reform and Transparency

This section details initiatives to make government a competitive advantage. It includes analysis and reports of government initiatives, as well as data on accountability and performance measures.

Spotlight issue

13th January 2020 / Good governance / Legal Reform and Transparency

Benefits and drawbacks of the 2020 amendment to the Czech General Fiscal Code

What’s new in the amendment to the Czech General Fiscal Code? More straightforward review procedures, lower default interest, electronic communication with the taxman, among others.
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26th November 2019 / Good governance / Legal Reform and Transparency

Survey conducted by EY and the AMSP ČR (Czech Association of SMEs and Sole Traders: While bribery is no longer a requirement to obtain a public contract, corruption is still considered a major problem in the Czech Republic

35% of Czech entrepreneurs and managers stated it is not possible to get a public contract without a bribe For 81% of respondents, corruption is a widespread phenomenon and 4 out of 10 respondents consider corruption to be a barrier to business Every fifth respondent had been asked for a bribe in connection with a public contract Some 30 years after the Velvet Revolution, corruption remains a major problem for Czech entrepreneurs and managers. According to one fifth of respondents, the government's anti-corruption efforts have actually decreased over the past 5 years. This is based on a recent survey conducted by EY in cooperation with the Czech Association of SMEs and Sole Traders (AMSP CR) among 600 entrepreneurs and managers in the Czech Republic.
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26th September 2019 / Good governance / Legal Reform and Transparency

Braun: Judges ask for exact records of working hours, but usually it is nonsense

COMMENTARY FROM ARTHUR BRAUN | The Court of Justice of the European Union recently published a decision in proceedings on a preliminary issue, stating that EU member states must require employers to record all employee working hours (C-55/18). This case involved a suit filed by a Spanish union organization in the banking industry, not exactly the traditional players in unions fighting against exploitation of the working classes. This decision did not receive wide publicity in the Czech Republic, but in Germany and elsewhere in Europe it did.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic