Good governance

This section details initiatives to make government a competitive advantage. It includes analysis and reports of government initiatives, as well as data on accountability and performance measures.

Spotlight issue

15th February 2016 / Good governance / Public Procurement

EconLab: The analysis highlights problematic public procurement contracts in a number of state companies

EconLab has published rankings of state and municipal companies according to the quality of public procurement. First places went to Lesy ČR, Čepro and the University Hospital in Pilsen. The recipe is simple - sufficient competition, transparency and avoidance of legal missteps. In many companies, however, it is happening rather the opposite - an example is ČEZ Distribution and Krajská zdravotní. Press release you can read here. Detailed results available here.
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10th February 2016 / Good governance / Tax & Finance

Chamber of Deputies greenlights online sales reporting system

The lower house of the Czech Parliament passed a bill on eletronic cash registers today with a majority of 105 votes. The system would apply to almost all transactions.The government claims that the online sales reporting system will clamp down on tax evasions and reduce grey economy. The opposition parties of TOP09 and the Civic Democrats (ODS) argue it will be an additional burden for businesses. Still, the Confederation of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, one of the biggest business associations in the country, supported the bill.  
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9th February 2016 / Good governance / Energy and Environment

Starostové Starostům: Landscape Architecture workshop - February 16 in Chamber of Deputies

Parliamentary Deputy Jan Farsky organizes a workshop Landscape Architecture on February 16 in the Chamber of Deputies from 9am under the Starostové starostům initiative - more information here. As confirmed speakers will be: Jan Farský - former Mayor of Semily Petr Gazdík - former Mayor of Suchá Loz Zdeněk Fink - Mayor of Hradec Králové Josef Tabery - Ministry of Agriculture Invitation and registration here.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic