
Spotlight issue

21st April 2021 / Good governance / Legal Reform and Transparency

New possibilities for Jewish émigrés from Germany and Austria, new obstacles for those from former Czechoslovakia

In Germany, a liberalization of the Citizenship law is planned this year. In Austria, since September 2020 more than 15.000 applications have been submitted by Jewish émigrés and their descendants. But in the Czech Republic… 

20th April 2021 / Politics / Trade and Investment

AmCham contributes comments to National Convention on future of EU-US relationship

The Czech government will be assessing the opportunity the new US Administration presents for the improvement of EU-US relations, and whether more progress can be made over the next four years. AmCham was asked to submit a brief and will participate in a discussion this Friday on the topic. 

20th April 2021 / Economic policy / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

A year after the pandemic, European car sales are on a bumpy recovery ride

The European car market has largely recovered a year after the pandemic, but the route back isn't without challenges. The structural effects due to less commuting demand but chip shortages, in particular, will limit the rebound in 2021

19th April 2021 / Competitiveness / Employment and Social Affairs

Workforce report on Manufacturing - National employment and median wage by occupation 2011-2020

In this report, we looked at median wages and employment in the Czech manufacturing sector at the national level, and also in selected regions - Prague, Central Bohemia, South Bohemia, Plzensky and Ustecky region, South Moravian, Olomoucky, Zlinsky and Moravian-Silesian regions. 

16th April 2021 / Competitiveness / Technology, R&D and Innovation

AmCham Technology Council: Modern Manufacturing: A Series of Case Studies in Production Efficiency

On April 14, the AmCham series of case studies on production efficiency was kicked off by the cases of Steelanol, Whirlpool and Doosan Bobcat.

Strategic Directions for Czech Economic Policy

  1. Transition to High-Tech Manufacturing and Exports
  2. The City Campus as Idea Factory
  3. Government Programs and Processes That Drive Innovation
  4. Government as a Competitive Advantage, including Digitization

Advocacy Priorities for 2023 
Technology, People, Infrastructure


Actions Recommended in Areas:

1. Establishing Policy Objectives for Research.

2. Research Investment and Cooperation. Big Bets (Key Technology Projects).

3. Establishing Databases for Tracking Public Policy Outcomes.

4. Public Procurement as an Innovation Tool.

5. Immigration of STEM Talents.

6. Digitization of Immigration. 

7. Adult Reskilling and Upskilling.

8. Digitization of Land Use.

9. Infrastructure Development, including Technology Parks.



Read the documents in English and Czech.

Policy pipeline

In Policy Pipeline policy developments in the Czech Republic and abroad are monitored to bring better understanding of current topics and trends.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic