
Spotlight issue

3rd July 2017 / Competitiveness / Business and Industry

Czech Statistical Office: The Public Sector´s Structure of Production and Its Changes: the Czech Case | Czech TOP 100

According to a study published by the Czech Statistical Office, the overall size of the public sector in the Czech Republic, in terms of the share on total value added, has declined by 0.4 over last 15 years. Among the individual consumer goods, public producers take a predominant part in the provision of educational services, healthcare or in supplying electricity or gas. Also, revenues of Czech 100 biggest companies reached 2.6 trillion CZK and their profits exceeded 188 billion CZK. Among the top five in terms of revenues in 2016 are ŠKODA AUTO, a. s. car producer, ČEZ, a. s. state-owned energy company, AGROFERT, a. s. owned by the Czech Finance Minister, energy producer Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.s. and FOXCONN CZ s.r.o technology company.

3rd July 2017 / Competitiveness / Transport, Infrastructure and Tourism City planning card for tourists

A new card for tourists has been approved by Prague City Hall. The card will work as a ticket for select tourist attractions and also as a transportation ticket. 

30th June 2017 / Economic policy / Employment and Social Affairs

Is pay raise or different job the key to increasing prosperity?

CSSD has set the goal of increasing the average wage by 45%. Everyone should be for it, as long an employment stays high. The question, then, is how to achieve this. A quick analysis of the occupational structure of the Czech economy shows that the economy still generates more jobs in low-wage occupations and fewer jobs in high-wage occupations than advanced economies of the EU. CSSD's focus on building a research economy seems the best bet of the four policy solutions they have proposed.

28th June 2017 / Competitiveness / Digital Agenda

Czech Office for Data Protection: GDPR Misinterpretations Rectified

The Office for Personal Data Protection (hereinafter “Czech DPA”) has elaborated “ten commandments” to straighten out the most frequent misinterpretations or misleading statements concerning the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

27th June 2017 / Politics / Elections

The Trump Administration: How much will it change, and what will it mean for Czechs and Europe?

What questions need answering to determine how President Trump- or, even more broadly, Republican control of Washington- will change the economies and policies of Europe? There are four. Will the Trump Administration change the US approach to global trade? Will the US accelerate the change in the security relationship with Europe? Will the Trump Administration enact economic policies domestically that will prolong its period of global dominance? And what will be Europe’s response to the Trump Administration?

Strategic Directions for Czech Economic Policy

  1. Transition to High-Tech Manufacturing and Exports
  2. The City Campus as Idea Factory
  3. Government Programs and Processes That Drive Innovation
  4. Government as a Competitive Advantage, including Digitization

Advocacy Priorities for 2023 
Technology, People, Infrastructure


Actions Recommended in Areas:

1. Establishing Policy Objectives for Research.

2. Research Investment and Cooperation. Big Bets (Key Technology Projects).

3. Establishing Databases for Tracking Public Policy Outcomes.

4. Public Procurement as an Innovation Tool.

5. Immigration of STEM Talents.

6. Digitization of Immigration. 

7. Adult Reskilling and Upskilling.

8. Digitization of Land Use.

9. Infrastructure Development, including Technology Parks.



Read the documents in English and Czech.

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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic