Competitiveness: New directive on intra-corporate transferees from third countries
On 15 April, the European Parliament adopted in 1st reading the new directive on intra-corporate transfers of third-country nationals. According to Commissioner Malmstroem, third-country nationals are a small group of intra-corporate transferees, but are usually the highest-skilled and the most valu...
New EU rule to help investors
European politicians ruled that thousands of firms must reveal their performance as corporate citizens. Around 6,000 firms across the European Union will have to provide details on how they tackle issues such as bribery and human rights. New law might help investors in their search for companies wit...
Economic Policy: The Czech Republic and the U.S. signed a cooperation agreement on civilian research and development in the field of nuclear energy
According to the press release of Ministry of Industry and Trade its minister Jan Mládek and his counterpart Ernest J. Moniz, U.S. Minister of Energy, signed on Wednesday 26 March a cooperation agreement on civilian research and development in the field of nuclear energy. During the meeting minister...
Competitiveness: New web portal about nostrifications
The aim of this portal is to help alleviate the barrier, which can be connected with the administration of official recognition of foreign education/qualification. It is often only lack of information, that discorage migrants from applying for nostification. The portal is intended primarily for work...
Competitiveness: Regional Innovation Strategy of Prague open for comments
Draft of Regional Innovation Strategy of Prague is open for comments from public and companies to ensure transparency in the process. The document has been prepared taking the guidelines of the European Commission and the Ministry of Education of processing the National Strategy for smart specializa...
Strategic Directions for Czech Economic Policy
- Transition to High-Tech Manufacturing and Exports
- The City Campus as Idea Factory
- Government Programs and Processes That Drive Innovation
- Government as a Competitive Advantage, including Digitization
Advocacy Priorities for 2023
Technology, People, Infrastructure
Actions Recommended in Areas:
1. Establishing Policy Objectives for Research.
2. Research Investment and Cooperation. Big Bets (Key Technology Projects).
3. Establishing Databases for Tracking Public Policy Outcomes.
4. Public Procurement as an Innovation Tool.
5. Immigration of STEM Talents.
6. Digitization of Immigration.
7. Adult Reskilling and Upskilling.
8. Digitization of Land Use.
9. Infrastructure Development, including Technology Parks.
Read the documents in English and Czech.
Policy pipeline
In Policy Pipeline policy developments in the Czech Republic and abroad are monitored to bring better understanding of current topics and trends.