
Spotlight issue

24th January 2014 / Economic policy / Tax & Finance

Economic Policy: U.S. to change its R&D tax code

U.S. Treasury Department finalizes the changes to R&D tax code. U.S. tax code reform broadens the spectrum of research that deserves federal subsidies. Due to new code Boeing, Lockheed Martin and many smaller firms could reap hundreds of millions of dollars in fresh savings. Further, new tax ben...

24th January 2014 / Politics /

Politics: Foreign Affairs Council meeting of 20 January

On 20 January, a Foreign Affairs Council meeting was held in Brussels. The foreign affairs ministers of the Member States under the presidency of High Representative Baroness Ashton discussed a number of important international issues. Firstly, after having received a report by the International At...

20th January 2014 / Politics / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

Politics: PM: Euro to be adopted in 2020

The Prime Minister Jiří Rusnok announced his conviction of adopting the common European currency by the end of the year 2020. He made such conviction not only as the PM (nearly terminated, though), but also as a candidate to the Bank Board of the Czech National Bank; the President Miloš Zeman announ...

19th January 2014 / Politics /

Politics: Greek presidency in the Council of the EU

In the first half of 2014, Greece will preside over the Council. For Athens it is the fifth Council presidency. The official launch took place on 8 January in Athens and a presentation of the aims and priorities of the presidency to the European Parliament took place on 15 January during the Strassb...

19th January 2014 / Politics /

Politics: New clashes in Ukraine – despite ban on demonstration

Tens of thousands of pro-EU demonstrators gathered in Kiev's Independence Square to protest against the laws, which were passed on Thursday and that prohibit public protests. New legislation includes fines or jail for breaches of law. Anti-government protesters and riot police in Ukraine have clashe...

Strategic Directions for Czech Economic Policy

  1. Transition to High-Tech Manufacturing and Exports
  2. The City Campus as Idea Factory
  3. Government Programs and Processes That Drive Innovation
  4. Government as a Competitive Advantage, including Digitization

Advocacy Priorities for 2023 
Technology, People, Infrastructure


Actions Recommended in Areas:

1. Establishing Policy Objectives for Research.

2. Research Investment and Cooperation. Big Bets (Key Technology Projects).

3. Establishing Databases for Tracking Public Policy Outcomes.

4. Public Procurement as an Innovation Tool.

5. Immigration of STEM Talents.

6. Digitization of Immigration. 

7. Adult Reskilling and Upskilling.

8. Digitization of Land Use.

9. Infrastructure Development, including Technology Parks.



Read the documents in English and Czech.

Policy pipeline

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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic