This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.
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Spotlight issue

Czech Politics 2019: Key Questions for Business
Will Mr. Babis exit 2019 stronger, or will his opponents gain ground? Politics is driving the country into two camps: pro-Babis and anti-Babis. Three fac-tors will determine which camp gains the upper hand in 2019.
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Grayling Czech Republic Political Digest November 2018
It might seem as a déjà vu, but it’s simply the story of the Czech PM Andrej Babiš, who is unable to distance himself from the accusations surrounding the questionable EU subsidies, which were used to build the infamous recreational farm called Stork’s nest, Grayling Czech Republic writes.
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Grayling Political Digest: Tug of War
With another election month in the Czech Republic over, we can now see the initial effects as the dust of coalition negotiations slowly settles over towns and cities across the country. Despite a clear victory for the ANO movement in most places, there was no shortage of surprises in negotiations on coalitions in many municipalities.
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