This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.
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Spotlight issue
Tomáš Portlík from ODS discusses economic priorities with AmCham members at pre-election roundtable
On 17 September 2018 the AmCham held another pre-election roundtable with Tomáš Portlík, ODS. According to the ODS programme Prague has experienced two decades of prosperity and development, however, in past six years it got stuck due to the lack of competence of current Prague administration. The Prague City Hall(s) administration should serve, not interfere.
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AmCham members debate economic topics for Prague with Prague mayoral candidates at Prague Congress Centre
On 12 September 2018, in cooperation with the British, German, French, Italian and Nordic Chambers the AmCham held the debate with candidates for Prague´s mayorality at the Prague Congress Centre (Kongresové centrum Praha). All candidates were given the floor for their statements and answers to the questions prepared by the Prague business community. The debate was moderated by prof. Štěpán Jurajda, CERGE-EI, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University, and Economics Institute, the Czech Academy of Science.
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AmCham Brno-based companies discuss Future of Brno with Brno mayoral candidate O.Pospíšil, ČSSD
On 11 September 2018, Brno-based member companies of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic met with the mayoral candidate Oliver Pospíšil, ČSSD, in OREA Hotel Voroněž in Brno to discuss the vision for the city. The Metropolitan Plan (zoning plan) was at the centre of the debate throughout the discussion. An outdated zoning plan as well as related transportation, accessibility and housing issues lead to lower motivation for investors to come and for educated workforce to stay after they graduate from Brno’s high-quality universities. There are around 70-80 thousand commuters to Brno each day to study or work.
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