This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.
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Spotlight issue

2018 World Press Freedom ranking: Czech Republic drops 11 places
The 2018 World Press Freedom ranking, published annually by Reporters Without Borders, mentions the Czech President Milos Zeman pulling out a dummy Kalashnikov bearing the inscription “for journalists" at press conference in October 2017. The Czech Republic dropped by 11 places, compared with the 2017 ranking.
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Grayling Czech Political Digest March 2018
Over three months have passed since Andrej Babiš was appointed as the new prime minister (PM) following the parliamentary elections in autumn 2017, yet the Czech Republic still has no clear coalition or majority government. What is more, while the current government, having resigned, only plays a caretaker role, Mr Babiš continues to make some significant changes in the public sector, despite the clamouring of the opposition parties.
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Radio Praha: New Merkel mandate seen as best scenario for Czech Republic
Angela Merkel is sworn into office for her fourth term on Wednesday. And while that might be the best scenario for neighbour, the Czech Republic, it will also step up the pressure to get a stable Czech government in place, Radio Praha writes.
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