
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

30th December 2017 / Politics / Elections

Radio Praha: PM unveils policy program in face of visible lack of support for his government

The newly-appointed minority government of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has approved its policy program. The prime minister will now negotiate with all parliamentary parties in view of winning their support or tolerance in a vote of confidence in January, Radio Praha writes.
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18th December 2017 / Politics / Elections

ESS/Ch. Schnaudt/M.Weinhardt: Blaming the Young Misses the Point: Re-assessing Young People’s Political Participation over Time Using the ‘Identity-equivalence Procedure '

The study Blaming the Young Misses the Point: Re-assessing Young People’s Political Participation over Time Using the ‘Identity-equivalence Procedure by Ch. Schnaudt from Leibniz Institute for the Social Science  and M. Weinhardt from Bielefeld University offers a re-assessment of young people’s political participation by investigating the structure and levels of political participation across young, adult and old people in Germany over the period 2002-2014.
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11th December 2017 / Politics / Elections

European social survey includes Czechs' attitudes towards key issues

The latest data release shows attitudes towards climate change and parliamentary trust.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic