
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

7th November 2017 / Politics / Elections

Radio Praha: Demagog.cz and the art of political fact-checking

Lenka Chudomelová of Demagog.cz discusses how the group evaluate the statements of politicians – and how being a fact-checker impacts her own outlook, Radio Praha writes.
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23rd October 2017 / Politics / Elections

Grayling Political Digest - Election Special

Czech Parliamentary Elections: A New Order. This weekend, Czechs cast their votes in a general election and, to the surprise of many, the country has followed the latest international trend by turning its back on the political establishment, Grayling Czech Republic rounds up..
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23rd October 2017 / Politics / Elections

To the victor goes the toil

His opponents turned this election into a referendum on Andrej Babis. He won. Now he has to figure out how to glue together a coalition that can govern. Version in Czech inside.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic