
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

5th June 2017 / Politics / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

2017 Global Peace Index: Czech Republic remains among most peaceful countries

In 2017, as in 2016, the Czech Republic ranked 6th in the Global Peace Index, following Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark.
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29th May 2017 / Politics / Employment and Social Affairs

Working for Health: Five year action plan for health employment & inclusive economic growth adopted

The World Health Assembly today adopted a joint ILO OECD WHO five-year action plan aimed at working with countries and key stakeholders to make progress towards expanding and transforming the health and social workforce. 
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22nd May 2017 / Politics / Elections

M.Ehl/tol.org: "Beyond power games, the current political crisis centers on checks and balances underlying liberal democracies in the region."

It is important to watch the developments in the Czech Republic, and to see how the political crisis will unfold and how far different actors will be able and willing to go. Although foreigners will have quite a tough time understanding the who’s who of Czech political disharmony, the approach to the constitution will show who is serious about liberal democracy and who is not. That is the most timely Czech European question, Martin Ehl writes for www.tol.org portal.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic