This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.
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MEP M.Schaake on transatlantic relations: We have come a long way, and should not fall into a trap of viewing the situation in oversimplified terms
The transatlantic relation will be more horizontal, based not as much on government to government relations, but rather on connections between companies, civil society and citizens that are likeminded.
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Euractiv.com: Future EU: Does Visegrád have a plan?
In the Visegrád Group, there is a desire to both strengthen the powers of member states, but also defend the Schengen area, and the four freedoms. Unsurprisingly, talk of treaty change is in the air. Euractiv’s Central European partners report.
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Euractiv.com: Visegrad on Trump: Anxious but optimistic
The Visegrad Group (V4) of countries may be a little calmer than their West European allies. At least in the short term, they are not likely to be harmed by Trump’s decisions – and while they may not profit significantly from the change of government across the Atlantic, a lack of losses is its own profit, Euractiv.com/Euractiv.cz write and add that Trump will focus on countries like the Czech Republic.
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