This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.
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Spotlight issue

US Presidential Election: What awaits the new President?
Donald Trump won the 2016 US presidential election. It was a narrow victory. He received 304 electoral votes, which ranks 46th out of the 58 elections for the US presidency. That is more than George W. Bush received in either 2000 or 2004, but less than any other President since Jimmy Carter won with 297 electors in 1976. President Obama, for example, won 365 electoral college votes in 2008, and Ronald Reagan won 525 of the 538 electors in 1984. Read AmCham CZ analysis.
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Eurobarometer on media pluralism and democracy: 56% of Czech respondents think national media provide same diversity of views compared to 5 years ago
According to recently published Eurobarometer data, in 22 Member States, respondents are most likely to say national media provide the same diversity of views and opinions compared to five years ago, although the Czech Republic, Croatia (both 56%), Slovakia (54%), Luxembourg and Romania (50%) are the only countries where at least half think this way.
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism: The rise of fact-checking sites in | Fact-checking in Czech Republic (updated)
The new millennium has seen the rise and rapid global spread of what can fairly be called a new democratic institution, the independent political fact-checker. The first organisations dedicated to publicly evaluating the truth of political claims appeared in the United States in the early 2000s, The rise of fact-checking sites in Europe report shows.
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