
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

18th August 2016 / Politics / Elections

TOL.cz: Martin Ehl: The Dangers of Patriotic Tourism

Central Europeans are often spending their holidays at home these days – good for the local economy, but not for the local mentality, Martin Ehl of the Hospodarske noviny daily writes for the tol.cz portal.
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5th August 2016 / Politics / Elections

AmCham Policy Report- Issue 7 - August 5: US Presidential Elections: The “Devil” or the deep Blue sea?

Remember a few years ago when the big discussion on television was whether the media had some public obligation to broadcast the political party conventions at all? Blame Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders for whatever you want, but they turned this year’s convention coverage into a reality television and social media festival. (Česká verze uvnitř.)
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19th July 2016 / Politics / Trade and Investment

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: The Challenges of Brexit and the Case for a U.S.-U.K. Trade Agreement

The British people opted for change when they voted on June 23 for the U.K. to negotiate an “exit” from the European Union. Such a choice is the sovereign right of any member of the EU, but it is also without precedent: The EU has expanded but never shrunk since the 1952 founding of its precursor, the European Coal and Steel Community. Now comes the hard part. Whether this break with the status quo benefits the U.K. in the long run will depend chiefly on the choices awaiting newly installed Prime Minister...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic