
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

22nd March 2014 / Politics /

Politics: European Council March meeting

This year´s first ordinary meeting of the European Council on 20 and 21 March was overshadowed by the Ukrainian crisis. However, heads of state or government of the EU-28 discussed also other important economic issues. Concerning Ukraine, EU leaders decided to broaden the targeted sanctions on new ...
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8th March 2014 / Politics / Elections

Politics: EP elections polls

Several recent election polls indicate what changes the new European Parliament could suffer after the May elections. The leading political parties, the centre-right EPP and the socialist S&D (previously, and possibly during the following term again named PES) won a little over 200 parliamentary...
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23rd February 2014 / Politics /

Politics: EU reacts to developments in Ukraine

The foreign ministers of the EU-28 held an extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) on 20 February following a wave of violence in Ukraine after a longer stalemate between the opposition and Mr. Yanukovych´s government. After only two hours of discussion, the ministers reached cons...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic