
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

10th January 2014 / Politics /

Politics: Russia to arrange oil for goods swap with Iran

Russian and Iran are currently negotiating Russian purchases of 500,000 bpd of Iranian crude oil in exchange for Russian equipment and goods. The deal would lift Iran's oil exports by 50 per cent and provide a major boost to its struggling economy. At current oil prices near $100 a barrel Iran would...
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16th December 2013 / Politics / Elections

Politics: Political parties ČSSD, ANO 2011, and KDU-ČSL approved the Coalitional Agreement

After several weeks of coalitional talks, negotiation teams of three political parties ČSSD (the Social Democrats), ANO 2012, and KDU-ČSL (the Christian Democrats) made the Coalitional Agreement. The Agreement should be considered by internal procedure within all respective parties (the Social and C...
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14th December 2013 / Politics /

Politics: China is third country to land on the moon

China landed unmanned rover, Jade Rabbit, on the moon. Rover will dig and conduct geological surveys. Long March 3B rocket carrying the rover took off from the Xichang satellite launch center in southwest China on December 2. In next phase of its growing space exploration ambitions, China plans to l...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic