Competitiveness / Employment and Social Affairs
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
Employee Benefits: Costs or Motivation?
Meal vouchers, sick days, 5 weeks paid annual leave, multisport cards – these are some of the benefits offered by employers in the Czech Republic. But do benefits play an important role when employees choose an employer these days? Or do they make a difference when it comes to retention, engagement or motivation? If so, why do we see such frequent job-hopping or number of people choosing to move to the public sector? What can companies do to retain talent in the workplace? On February 28, more than 70 AmCham members gathered to discuss these topics with experts from ČSOB, Radisson Blu Alcron Hotel, Amazon EU and SAP Services at Radisson Blu Alcron Hotel Prague.
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Employment issues & Industry 4.0
Due to the lack of workforce, more and more businesses will aim at decreasing their dependence on human labor. In 2016, it was priority for 49% of general managers who took part in the survey; in 2017, it is 91% of respondents, recently published PwC survey shows. Investors will make their decisions whether to maintain or close down a plant based on the size of the market and size of the pool of skilled people "culturally ready for the digital era", says Pavel Kysilka, former CEO of Ceska sporitelna.
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Czech Statistical Office: After school, the reality of the Czech job market comes
According to the latest data published by the Czech Statistical Office, the greatest gender pay gap in the Czech Republic affects median wages of women and men aged 35-39 (many of these women are returning back to work after maternity leave).
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