
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.

Spotlight issue

19th February 2021 / Competitiveness / Energy and Environment

Family businesses risk missing the mark on ESG - PwC Family Business Survey

In a year where business has had to transform the way it meets the needs of society and the environment, family owned businesses risk falling behind, according to a new global survey of 2,801 family business owners.  While more than half (55%) of respondents saw the potential for their business to lead on sustainability, only 37% have a defined strategy in place. European and American businesses are lagging their Asian counterparts in their commitment to prioritising sustainability in their strategy. 79% of respondents in mainland China and 78% in Japan reported ‘putting sustainability at the heart of everything we do’ compared to 23% of US and 39% in the UK. Larger businesses and those owned by later generations also buck the trend, with greater focus on sustainability.
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18th February 2021 / Competitiveness / Energy and Environment

CTP continues to garner strong investor interest raising €500 million in their third green bond issuance

CTP B.V. raised €500 million with their third green bond issue on February 18th 2021, increasing the total raised from Green Bonds to €1.55 billion since their inaugural issuance in September 2020.
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10th February 2021 / Competitiveness / Employment and Social Affairs

21 questions and answers for HR managers in 2021

Can I test my employees, and if they refuse to take a test, deny them access to the workplace? If so, what about their remuneration if they cannot work remotely? More than half of my employees will be vaccinated, but do I still have to require all my employees to wear facemasks and follow social distancing in the workplace? Can I terminate an employee's contract of employment whilst they are on furlough?
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic