This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
Survey: Online vs Offline environment in the Workplace
It´s already been a year ago since the first cases of the new Covid-19 disease appeared in the Czech Republic, which gradually reduced the possibility of personal contacts and caused a massive transition to the online environment in the global labor markets. Probably none of us expected that even a year later this situation will not change much. Companies have worked intensively on new measures, directives and rules over the past year, and many of these changes are likely to become a permanent part of our working lives.
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Honeywell Czech Tech Goes to Space
Since 2005, technologies from Honeywell’s Advanced Tech Lab in Czechia (formerly the Czech Republic) have been quietly going about their business revolutionizing the aviation and aerospace industry. From leading many projects within the SESAR program to Very Large Demos of precision landing systems and performance navigation software, our engineers and scientists have been working with industry partners to enhance aviation safety, efficiency and performance.
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Prague business launched recovery program for SMEs
Prague businessmen and experts launched a platform "DoToho!" to support recovery of mostly Prague-based SMEs with turnover from CZK3 million to CZK300 million. The program initiated by AmCham member Opero´s owner Pavel Přikryl and supported by City of Prague, EU funded Prague Smart Accelerator project and other companies such as Google or T-Mobile, will become part of Prague Innovation Strategy.
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