This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
The 3M State of Science Index: Youth trust science and recognize its importance, but misinformation threatens the future
Fifth year of 3M and Ipsos global survey reveals people want science to help solve for sustainability, health and STEM equity challenges
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Home office in Q&A
Home office and its setting. We summarized most frequent questions and answers that are asked by our clients. Find out how to quickly set up home office, what tax regime applies for compensation for working from home, whether the employer can order the employee to work overtime or how to deal with meal vouchers in these days. We summarized the most important things so that you can adapt to the new situation.
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Avast Q1/2022 Threat Report: Cyber Warfare in Ukraine and Russia Dominates the Threat Landscape
Cybercrime operations partially weakened due to war; researchers observe continued slight decrease in ransomware, growth in Emotet presence, and the discovery of one of the largest botnet-as-a-services
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