Economic policy
This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.
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Spotlight issue

AmCham President Michal Chour outlines 2019 agenda
Michal Chour has been involved in AmCham's tourism advocacy for over a decade. He recognizes that this industry, like so many others, now needs to transition from a volume business to a value-added one. His goal as AmCham president is to help align interests so the sum for the country is greater than all the parts.
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AmCham submits comments on proposed Digital Services Tax
AmCham is worried that the government's proposed tax on global digital services companies will end up being paid by Czech companies wanting to market on the internet, and not contribute to necessary global solution.
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W.Stacey, AmCham CZ: "When individual objectives align, good feedback cycles are created, and common goals can be reached."
One of AmCham's economic development goals is to make Prague a top hub of European business. At our General Assembly in June, we gathered representatives from some key strategic assets: Petr Fabrický of the Prague Airport, Michal Pěchouček of, Rainer Bogner of ExxonMobil's shared service center, Lenka Žlebková of Prague Congress Center, and Matěj Chytil of Prague City Hall. Each is moving from a high volume approach to a higher premium approach in their business. Each can help the other achieve their goals. Train service to airport, for instance, also boosts congress business, which boosts business travel.
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