Economic policy
This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.
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Spotlight issue

AmCham members elect nine Board members; Chour, Nebesky, Novotny, Slapak, and Suri to serve on Executive Committee
Prague, June 20. AmCham members have elected nine Board members, and the AmCham Board has appointed Michal Chour of the Alcron Hotel as President and Milan Slapak of GE, Michal Nebesky of Citibank, Vaclav Novotny of Biogen and Sanjiv Suri of Zatisi Group as Vice Presidents.
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Roundtable at CIIRC shows spirit of cooperation that will make the Czech Republic The Country for the Future
On 14 June, the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic participated in a roundtable discussion at CIIRC on private investment into public research.
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Jihlava health care innovation conference: The future is growing up from the ground
During the innovation conference in Jihlava held on 10 June, regional leaders discussed best practices in financing health care to bring greater value to patients. Vysočina region and governor Jiří Běhounek hosted the event.
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