Good governance

This section details initiatives to make government a competitive advantage. It includes analysis and reports of government initiatives, as well as data on accountability and performance measures.

Spotlight issue

21st April 2020 / Good governance / Legal Reform and Transparency

Coronavirus: Impact of operational restrictions on commercial and residential leases in the Czech Republic

Due to Coronavirus (SARS CoV-2), the operation of retail shopping facilities in the Czech Republic is affected by operational restrictions imposed by the public authorities from 12 March 2020 to protect public health and safety. The Czech Government also introduced bills which prohibit the termination of leases due to non-payment of the rent, provided it is caused by restrictions imposed by the public authorities in relation to the pandemic.
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21st April 2020 / Good governance / Legal Reform and Transparency

Coronavirus - Czech loan moratorium: its true impact in the field of large corporate financing

On 7 April 2020, the lower house of the Czech Parliament, the House of Deputies (in Czech Poslanecká sněmovna České republiky), approved a draft bill on certain measures regarding loan repayments in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic (in Czech návrh zákona o některých opatřeních v oblasti splácení úvěrů v souvislosti s pandemií Covid-19) (document no. 813) by  decree no. 1024. The revised draft bill, under Senate document no. 229, will be discussed in the upper house of the Czech Parliament, the Senate, in the near future, and subsequently presented to the President for his signature, sealing the legislative procedure. As such, the new rules could become effective by their publishing in the Collection of Laws  this post-Easter week by the middle of this week. 
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20th April 2020 / Good governance / Legal Reform and Transparency

Legal Update - April 2020

News in legislation Amendment to the Property Valuation Act  
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic