
Spotlight issue

7th October 2020 / Competitiveness / Employment and Social Affairs

How are working women doing during COVID-19? Our Women in the Workplace study explores.

Today we release the 2020 edition of Women in the Workplace, the largest study of the experiences of women and gender inequality in corporate America. Produced in partnership with Lean In, the annual report, published since 2015, analyzes workplace data and the experiences of men and women from the previous year.

7th October 2020 / Competitiveness / Employment and Social Affairs

2020 Social Progress Index results

A global view of people’s quality of life, independent of wealth.

Deloitte and the Social Progress Imperative (SPI) are working together to get a global view of people’s quality of life and the wellbeing of society, independent of wealth. The Social Progress Index measures what matters to citizens – health care, infrastructure, civil liberties – the very characteristics that are the foundation for sustainable societies. Designed to complement GDP, the Index uses societal and environmental outcome indicators to provide an authoritative view across three dimensions: Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing and Opportunity.


7th October 2020 / Competitiveness / Technology, R&D and Innovation

SME Digitalisation – charting a course towards resilience and recovery

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)1 are the beating heart of Europe’s economy, and our post-COVID-19 recovery will be dependent on how well they are able to recover and thrive, driving innovation and job creation across the continent.

There has been much discussion in recent months about how best to support small businesses through these difficult times. For example, at Vodafone we have focused on providing the services and tools that enable SMEs to empower themselves and increase their digitalisation capabilities in order to adapt and keep working safely and strongly.


5th October 2020 / Politics / Elections

Regional Election Report 2020

Historically the regional elections have always been a testing ground for the upcoming general election, which is key to the central government and determines the country’s leadership for the next few years. As with everything nowadays, even this element of public life has been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Even so, the overall voter turnout was almost 38%, which is one of the better results for this type of election. As such, the results will give us a greater insight into the ever-closing big election event of 2021.

2nd October 2020 / Economic policy / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

Underlying recovery is still with us

Although we expect the underlying recovery to continue, the data in the Czech Republic are likely to show some weakness in August. We believe that to a large extent this was caused by the holidays. We expect to see the recovery continue in September. The first release of GDP for the third quarter should point to a faster-than-expected recovery. Inflation for September should ease in mom terms but increase in yoy terms due to the base effect.

Strategic Directions for Czech Economic Policy

  1. Transition to High-Tech Manufacturing and Exports
  2. The City Campus as Idea Factory
  3. Government Programs and Processes That Drive Innovation
  4. Government as a Competitive Advantage, including Digitization

Advocacy Priorities for 2023 
Technology, People, Infrastructure


Actions Recommended in Areas:

1. Establishing Policy Objectives for Research.

2. Research Investment and Cooperation. Big Bets (Key Technology Projects).

3. Establishing Databases for Tracking Public Policy Outcomes.

4. Public Procurement as an Innovation Tool.

5. Immigration of STEM Talents.

6. Digitization of Immigration. 

7. Adult Reskilling and Upskilling.

8. Digitization of Land Use.

9. Infrastructure Development, including Technology Parks.



Read the documents in English and Czech.

Policy pipeline

In Policy Pipeline policy developments in the Czech Republic and abroad are monitored to bring better understanding of current topics and trends.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic