Clifford Chance advises Nadace Dagmar a Václava Havlových VIZE 97 in pro bono case
Clifford Chance has become a new long-term partner of Nadace Dagmar a Václava Havlových VIZE 97. The foundation was established by Dagmar and Václav Havel in 1997 and supports various charitable projects primarily in the field of healthcare and culture. Clifford Chance has been advising the foundation on a pro bono basis in relation to multiple matters mainly aiming to protect its intellectual property, while also representing the organization in enforcing intellectual property rights as a result of their violation by third parties.
PLACEMENT CZECHIA An internship program of Slovak HE graduates in the Czech Republic.
Program Placement Czechia is an opportunity to receive fresh graduates from Slovak universities in specializations according to your needs for a fulltime, half year internships, under the costs effective conditions and no employment administration.
Changes to the antivirus program and other measures to support employment in the Czech Republic
As an employer, you have certainly faced and probably still are facing many challenges due to the coronavirus spread. Unlike other European countries that have endeavoured to relax their legislation on redundancies, the Czech Republic is among those countries whose government has been calling on the employers to maintain jobs and has been taking measures to support the economy (e.g., no-interest loans to businesses, tax suspension, compensation provided to employers for compensatory wages paid by them, etc.).
Only 10% of Companies Have the Customer-Centric Supply Chains Required for Resilience, According to New Accenture Report
Majority of executives surveyed admit their business functions fail to collaborate on digital projects, dragging financial results down
Many companies do not realize the full value of investing in digital projects due to a lack of collaboration among their critical business functions, according to a new study by Accenture (NYSE: ACN). The study found that 75 percent of executives said their departments compete rather than collaborate on digitization, which raises cost and eats up expected revenues gains.
Testing for Presence of COVID-19 Now Available Directly at Václav Havel Airport Prague
Passengers and visitors can now be tested for the presence of the virus causing COVID-19 directly at Václav Havel Airport Prague. Testing is performed by an accredited GHC Genetics laboratory. The new service will facilitate safe travelling and also reduce the spread of the disease. Both passengers and the general public can use the testing directly at the airport.
Strategic Directions for Czech Economic Policy
- Transition to High-Tech Manufacturing and Exports
- The City Campus as Idea Factory
- Government Programs and Processes That Drive Innovation
- Government as a Competitive Advantage, including Digitization
Advocacy Priorities for 2023
Technology, People, Infrastructure
Actions Recommended in Areas:
1. Establishing Policy Objectives for Research.
2. Research Investment and Cooperation. Big Bets (Key Technology Projects).
3. Establishing Databases for Tracking Public Policy Outcomes.
4. Public Procurement as an Innovation Tool.
5. Immigration of STEM Talents.
6. Digitization of Immigration.
7. Adult Reskilling and Upskilling.
8. Digitization of Land Use.
9. Infrastructure Development, including Technology Parks.
Read the documents in English and Czech.
Policy pipeline
In Policy Pipeline policy developments in the Czech Republic and abroad are monitored to bring better understanding of current topics and trends.