
Spotlight issue

18th May 2016 / Economic policy / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

European Semester: Czech Republic: Challenges include public finances, health care, administrative burden, public procurement

In February 2016, the European Commission published a series of country reports for each Member State, analysing Member States' economic and social policies. In May 2016, based on the analysis presented in the country reports and the dialogue held with Member States, the Commission presented country-specific recommendations for the next 12 to 18 months. The Czech Republic needs to improve sustainability of public finances, health care financing, to lower the existing administrative burden, improve public procurement, increase the cooperation between businesses and universities, increase the attractiveness of the teacher profession and improve inclusion (in eduaction, labor market).


18th May 2016 / Competitiveness / Transport, Infrastructure and Tourism

Eurostat: In Czech Rep air travel booked online for less than half of trips

In 2014, for just under 1 in 4 tourism trips (24 %), transport was booked online. However, for many trips where people travel with their own car no booking (whether online or offline) was needed. In six Member States (Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Romania and Slovakia), air travel was booked online for fewer than half of the trips, recent Eurostat data show.

18th May 2016 / Economic policy / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

IMF: Challenge for Czech authorities is to sustain increase in potential growth, maintain macroeconomic stability

Czech economic performance has been impressive, with output growing strongly and unemployment declining steadily. Growth is projected to slow this year, however, and to remain moderate over the medium term. The challenge for the authorities is to create conditions for a sustained increase in potential growth and to maintain macroeconomic stability, says IMF Mission in its Article IV Consultation Concluding Statement. 

18th May 2016 / Competitiveness / Business and Industry

Právo: Companies upset about administrative burden - survey

The Právo daily published an article with details on administrative burden for Czech businesses, using data from the ČSOB-conducted survey, the Company expectations index. Besides the paperwork companies are upset about the frequent legislative changes and the level of taxes. 

18th May 2016 / Competitiveness / Business and Industry

QUO VADIS BRNO conference: facts, opinions, interview

The City of Brno organized conference QUO VADIS BRNO on 12 May 2016. Experts debated how metropolitan areas can foster the development of the Czech Republic or how knowledge-based economy and society can become a source of the economic development of Brno, metropolitan areas and the country as a whole. Selection of opinions and facts inside. 

Strategic Directions for Czech Economic Policy

  1. Transition to High-Tech Manufacturing and Exports
  2. The City Campus as Idea Factory
  3. Government Programs and Processes That Drive Innovation
  4. Government as a Competitive Advantage, including Digitization

Advocacy Priorities for 2023 
Technology, People, Infrastructure


Actions Recommended in Areas:

1. Establishing Policy Objectives for Research.

2. Research Investment and Cooperation. Big Bets (Key Technology Projects).

3. Establishing Databases for Tracking Public Policy Outcomes.

4. Public Procurement as an Innovation Tool.

5. Immigration of STEM Talents.

6. Digitization of Immigration. 

7. Adult Reskilling and Upskilling.

8. Digitization of Land Use.

9. Infrastructure Development, including Technology Parks.



Read the documents in English and Czech.

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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic