This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.
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Politics: EU Interior ministers struggle to reach resettlement agreement
Last Monday, 14 September, justice and interior ministers of the EU Member States met in Brussels at an Extraordinary Council Meeting to discuss the ongoing refugee crisis. Many crucial steps were agreed to tackle the crisis, however, the meeting was regarded as a failure. The ministers formally a...
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Politics:Speech by Věra Jourová at Conference on European Citizenship and Justice - European citizenship: our common rights and values
EU Commissioner Věra Jourová had a speech at a conference on European Citizenship and Justice held in Luxembourg on 14 September. ...Citizens want to enjoy freedom of movement and they also want to feel protected, especially when problems arise. The Commission will continue to develop a European ...
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Politics: Joint Communiqué of V4 Foreign Ministers on Migration Crisis
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group countries met with their counterparts from the Luxembourg Presidency and Germany in Prague on September 11, 2015 to discuss concrete measures within the external dimension of the migration crisis. ...The Ministers recall the Joint Statement o...
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