
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

6th October 2015 / Politics / Trade and Investment

Politics: AMSP survey:Czech companies unaware of TTIP

According to a survey conducted by the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic and Ipsos Agency, 74% of respondents (exporters) had no idea what was Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The survey took place during the Czech Business Weekend in...
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2nd October 2015 / Politics / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

Politics: Business ministers from 17 EU nations urge European Commission, Parliament to speed up reforms to single market

Business ministers from 17 EU nations have urged the European Commission and Parliament to speed up reforms to the single market, as they meet for the Competitiveness Council in Luxembourg. The countries – including the UK and Italy but not France or Germany – signed a letter demanding the deepen...
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27th September 2015 / Politics / Legal Reform and Transparency

Politics: Prague Post: Czech minister pleads for sustainable development in UN

...“Women's equal integration into society, well-working and efficient institutions, good governance and non-corruption environment are also great issues,” Czech Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation Pavel Bělobrádek said at the UN summit on sustainable development after 2015 ...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic