
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

6th September 2015 / Politics / Elections

Politics: New possible solutions for tackling migration crisis discussed

Last week saw a number of developments in the EU refugee saga, as thousands of people kept arriving in Italy, Greece and Hungary. Mainly pictures from the Budapest Keleti railway station became notorious, when several thousand migrants camped outside unable to get by train to Germany and Austria. ...
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5th September 2015 / Politics / Elections

Politics: Joint Statement of the Heads of Government of the Visegrad Group Countries

We, the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group, meeting in Prague on 4 September 2015 on the occasion of an Extraordinary Visegrad Group Summit on migration adopt hereby the following Joint Statement......
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5th September 2015 / Politics / Social Responsibility

Politics: Czech Social Watch: Crisis ends, but tension is growing

On 19 August, the Czech coalition of nine NGOs called Social Watch published their 2015 national monitoring report on progress and problems on the road to gender equality and lower level of poverty in the Czech Republic. The report focuses on six main areas – economy, development aid, gender equal...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic