
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.

Spotlight issue

13th February 2018 / Competitiveness / Technology, R&D and Innovation

AmCham R&D Factsheet: Where does the Czech Republic stand? (updated)

According to Eurostat, the Czech Republic has 11th highest number of R&D personnel and 17th highest R&D expenditure per capita in the EU and they have been dropping. The Government has taken measures to reverse the trend.
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13th February 2018 / Competitiveness / Technology, R&D and Innovation

AmCham CZ: GE invests in ČVUT

(Česká verze v článku.) To enter into the global economic elite, the Czech Republic will need to become better at turning Czech ideas into Czech exports. Today's announcement of an agreement between CVUT and GE Aviation builds the capacity to do just that.
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13th February 2018 / Competitiveness / Business and Industry

Prague office property market in Q4 2017

Demand significantly increased and annual gross demand reaches a new record. Five new office buildings were completed, vacancy decreased to just 7.5 %, and prime headline rents were higher.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic