
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.

Spotlight issue

5th February 2018 / Competitiveness / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

WEF 2018 Inclusive Development Index: Czech Republic ranks 15th, is among economies that have done well at making their growth processes more inclusive, sustainable

The report highlights a key finding that relatively strong GDP growth cannot in and of itself be relied on to generate inclusive socioeconomic progress and broad-based improvement in living standards. The Czech Republic is among economies that have done well at making their growth processes more inclusive and sustainable.
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3rd February 2018 / Competitiveness / Technology, R&D and Innovation

Masaryk University: Leading life science institutions from Central and Eastern Europe form Alliance4Life

Despite heavy investments and other funding coming in past decade from the EU, a substantial gap in research performance and innovation potential persists between the East and the West of the EU. Member institutions of the Alliance4Life believe that to a large extent solution to this problem is to be found in improved governance and managerial practices as well as development of institutional culture at research institutions.
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2nd February 2018 / Competitiveness / Business and Industry

Radio Prague: New flat prices in Prague rise by almost 20% in 2017

The average price rise for new flat in the Czech capital Prague rose last year by around 19.1 percent to reach around 85,223 crowns per square metre, according to a group of the leading developers and builders of new flats in the city, Radio Prague writes.
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic