This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
Czech Republic Overview 2016/2017: Data, info on doing business & quotes of business leaders
Czech Republic Overview is an informative brochure about the Czech Republic including current key economic indicators, data & information about doing business in the Czech Republic, specific sector briefings, details on tax system and other information relevant to those looking to invest and/or operate in the Czech Republic. Special feature of this publication are quotes of business leaders, which open each section.
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Eurostat: Czech Republic sees declining trend of enterprise death rates
In the Czech Republic, the trend of enterprise death rates was declining between 2012-2013. Also, the services sector accounted for 54.0 % of the Czech workforce, recent Eurostat data on business demography show.
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Aspen Institute Prague: Creative Visegrad: City, Culture and Public Space
The idea of economic growth and local development based on the arts and culture takes a solid root in the Central Europe. Cultural and creative industries are now often perceived as tools that can not only enliven vacant and underutilized infrastructures but also generate jobs and retain inhabitants in, until recently, unattractive localities.
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