
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.

Spotlight issue

9th May 2016 / Competitiveness / Employment and Social Affairs

OECD data on wage inequality between OECD countries: Czech Republic at the bottom end of ranking

OECD published data on annual average wages in the organisation's member countries. The level of average annual wage in the Czech Republic hits the bottom end of the ranking (and we should bear in mind that majority of the Czech working population does not reach even the country's average wage).
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5th May 2016 / Competitiveness / Business and Industry

Ekonom announces Czech towns most favorable for business in 2015

The Ekonom weekly recognized the town of Humpolec as the Czech town most favorable for business in 2015. The town is half-way between Prague and Brno, at the D1 highway connecting the two largest Czech cities. It has low unemployment rate, high share of entrepreneurs, businesses and large employers, and receved good rating for management of the town finance.
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2nd May 2016 / Competitiveness / Technology, R&D and Innovation

Czech applied research: Best Cooperation of the Year 2016 Award goes to Sci-Trace unique device that has no global competition so far

The Best Cooperation of the Year 2016 Award for applied research goes to Sci-Trace, a unique laser-based material analysis instrument. It is a worldwide unique device that has no global competition so far. Project leaders were the Central European Institute of Technology CEITEC, which belongs to the University of Technology in Brno, and the companies AtomTrace and Tescan. Sci-Trace can analyze any solid, liquid and gaseous samples without any preparation and in just a few seconds. (Uvnitř informace, videa v českém a anglickém jazyce.)
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic