This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
AmCham Policy Report - Issue 6 - June 6: The Future of Prague: Making Stuff Here, Selling It There
Cities attract people of different talents and skills. Its streets and buildings form competitive cauldrons where these differences are refined into specialization. Specializations combine into industries that produce a sum greater than the individual parts. Those sums are then sold elsewhere to create wealth. Cities, then, are the deep sea vent of economies: the place where elements collide to create new forms of life. That makes them vital for any national strategy of growth. In fact, such a strategy should piece together how the cities within a country’s borders can complement each other as they compete. Prague, today, has a challenge.
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World Bank: Toward an Innovative Poland: The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process and Business Needs Analysis | Prague replaces Warsaw as most attractive place for German investors
The World Bank project summarized in the report proposes a pioneering approach to engaging the private sector, as well as science, public administration, and civic society, in co-creating innovation policy, selecting priorities for public innovation spending, and adjusting public support instruments to the real needs of Polish enterprises.
View more Interview with CzechInvest GM Karel Kučera about Prague´s first Space Incubator
General Manager of the government CzechInvest Agency Karel Kučera gave an interview to the Czech server about newly opened Space Incubator in the Prague Startup Centre.
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