This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
AMO: V4: Heaven or Hell for Sharing Economy?
In early June, the European Commission issued guidelines on how to regulate the functioning of sharing economy platforms on the EU internal market. Is it possible to create a single horizontal definition of the phenomenon? In what aspects is the regulatory approach of the V4 countries different from the other EU member states? And what are the tax risks associated with the diffusion of such platforms?
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EC: 40% of Czechs have no or low digital skills | 18,000 ICT professional vacancies in Czech Republic in 2020
In the near future, nearly all jobs will require some level of digital skills and the Digital Single Market could contribute €415 billion per year to the EU economy. Digital skills are therefore vital for innovation, growth, jobs and competitiveness. The European Commission estimates that there will be 18,000 ICT professional vacancies in the Czech Republic in 2020. More than 40% of Czechs have no or low digital skills and around one-third of Czechs active in the labor market have no or low digital skills, the European Commission says.
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OECD 2016 Better Life Index: Czech Republic: Top 20% earn nearly 4 times as much as bottom 20% of population
According to the OECD 2016 Better Life report, the Czech Republic performs well in many measures of well-being in the Better Life Index. The Czech Republic ranks above average in personal security, education and skills, social connections, subjective well-being, and work-life balance. It ranks below average in jobs and earnings, housing, health status, income and wealth, and civic engagement.
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