This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
Eurostat: Czech Republic records high-tech products trade surplus, high-tech manufacturing growth
In value terms, Germany was the EU's leading exporter of high-tech products to the rest of the world in 2014, followed by France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Eight countries — Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary , Ireland and the Netherlands — recorded high-tech products trade surpluses. Overall, however, the EU recorded a high-tech Extra-EU trade deficit in 2014, with imports around EUR 7 billion higher than exports, Eurostat data show.
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Aspen Institute Prague: State of the Digital Economy in Central and Eastern Europe - study | Czech Republic, Poland: similarities and differences in digital development
The current state of digital economy development in the CEE lies closely behind the EU 28 average in most of the relevant indicators. The promotion of digital economy is moving up the ladder of political priorities in many CEE states, particularly the V4 countries. The focus is mainly on building a robust Internet infrastructure, particularly the NGA-fiber networks, which constitutes a necessary basis for the development of more advanced online business and government services, the study Digital Heart of Europe: Low pressure or hypertension? State of the Digital Economy in Central and Eastern Europe published by the Aspen Institute Prague says.
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Prague Post: Prague tops CEE in quality of living
Ranking by Mercer puts Czech capital at 69th place worldwide, next to Detroit, out of 230 evaluated cities.That was good enough to be the best in Central and Eastern Europe, but far behind nearby Vienna, which was number one worldwide and in Europe, Prague Post writes. Last year, Prague ranked 68th.
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