Good governance
This section details initiatives to make government a competitive advantage. It includes analysis and reports of government initiatives, as well as data on accountability and performance measures.
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Spotlight issue
Good governance: What we should be discussing about highway tolls
In all the commotion over who will win the highway toll tender, commercially and politically, any chance of a reasonable discussion about why we would want a toll system, and what sort of toll system is best for the country, has been lost. This is a defeat for us all. The purpose of public procurement is to use private money collected through taxes and expend it on public goods that will deliver a higher value to the economy and society than if that money had been spent by individual citizens. Since we have had no public debate on what the value of highway tolls are, we have no way of assessing how much value we would receive from any winner of the tender.
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GDPR – Office for personal data protection publishes a risk assessment methodology
On 7 February 2018, the Office for Personal Data Protection (the "Office") published a draft methodology for assessing the risk of personal data processing. The risk of processing is a key factor to correctly determine the corresponding obligations of each data controller and processor under the GDPR
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Community law is blurring the differences between the self-employed and proper employees
Broad discussions and the media interest were rekindled when the European Court of Justice handed down its ruling in King vs. Sash Window Workshop Ltd with respect to the status of a self-employed person and paid leave.
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