
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

22nd October 2013 / Politics / Elections

Politics: 2013 Parliamentary Elections - AmCham analysis

Czech citizens will go to the polls this weekend to elect a new Chamber of Deputies, and, by doing so, express their preference for which parties should form a new government and which individual should be the new prime minister. It is treasured mark of human progress that individuals have this oppo...
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18th October 2013 / Politics /

Politics: U.S. Homeland Security´s focus to shift from immigration to terrorism

President Obama nominated new Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh C. Johnson to replace Janet Napolitano, who left her post last month to become president of the University of California system.  Johnson is former Pentagon´s top lawyer, who formed the nation’s counterterrorism policy, including desig...
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12th October 2013 / Politics /

Politics: European Parliament Session in Strasbourg

On a monthly plenary session in Strasbourg held last week, the MEPs discussed migration policy of the European Union, easing of administrative and bureaucratic borders for foreign professionals, new rules for shale gas extraction and for tobacco products. A minute of silence was held for the hundre...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic